

Celiac disease or gluten-sensitive enteropathy is an inherited condition triggered by the consumption of cereal grains containing "gluten". Simply put, the immune system of a celiac reacts negatively to the presence of gluten in the diet causing damage to the inner lining of the small bowel which reduces the person's ablility to absorb nutrients including: iron, folate, calcium, Vitamin D, protein, fat and other food compounds. The grains considered to be capable of producing negative effects in individuals with celiac disease include the different species of wheat (e.g., durum, spelt, kamut), barley, rye, and their cross-bred hybrids (e.g., triticale, which is a cross between wheat and rye). Currently the only treatment for celiac disease is to continually maintain a strict gluten-free diet. This disease affects nearly 1% of the population.

Closely related family members of celiacs have a greater risk of developing the disease. However, not all individuals carrying the genes identified with this disease will develop the disease. Therefore, other genetic and environmental factors have also been implicated in its development.

The symptoms of celiac disease vary greatly from one person to another both in extent and seriousness, making diagnosis difficult. Infants and children more often display symptoms of diarrhea and abnormal stretching of the abdomen. They could also show symptoms of malnutrition such as short stature, anemia (weakness or low stamina), defects in teething, failure to thrive, or in developmental delay. In adults, gastrointestinal complaints are common and include abdominal pain, flatulence, and diarrhea. Weight loss is most common, but symptoms of weight gain and constipation are not unheard of. Only some individuals with celiac disease suffer typical gastrointestinal symptoms, while others may display no visible symptoms. Further symptoms vary and can include mouth ulcers, extreme fatigue, bone pain and others. A serious skin condition (called dermatitis herpetiformis) that results in an itchy rash with bumps and blisters is sometimes a result of this disease. This condition is linked to gluten sensitivity, and skin biopsy (sampling and testing) is usually performed to confirm diagnosis.

Other conditions associated with celiac disease include type 1 diabetes, down syndrome, thyroiditis, arthritis, ataxia, depression, and neuropathy.

If celiac disease is diagnosed early and treated with a gluten-free diet, the damaged tissues can heal and the risk of developing many of the long term complications of this disease, including osteoporosis (a weakening of the bones), lymphoma (tumors arising in the lymph nodes), and infertility can be reduced.


In recent years, an improvement in the overall level of awareness about celiac disease and associated conditions has allowed individuals and health professionals to better suspect and screen for celiac disease. This is particularly true for those groups at high risk.

Celiac disease can be diagnosed through a combination of:

  • Blood tests
  • Small-bowel biopsy
  • Recovery from the symptoms while following a gluten-free diet




腹腔疾病或麩質敏感的腸病是一種遺傳條件所引發的消費穀物含有“麵筋”。簡單地說,免疫系統的一腹腔反應消極的存在麵筋飲食中造成損害的內壁小腸從 而降低了人的穩產吸收營養,包括:鐵,葉酸,鈣,維生素 D,蛋白質,脂肪和其他食物化合物。晶粒認為是有能力生產的負面影響在個人與腹腔疾病,包括不同品種的小麥(例如,杜倫麥,拼寫,kamut),大麥,黑 麥,其雜交種雜種(例如,小黑麥,這是一個跨小麥和黑麥)。目前唯一治療腹腔疾病,是繼續保持嚴格的無麩質飲食。這種疾病影響到近1%的人口。

密切相關的家庭成員 celiacs有更大發展的疾病的風險。然而,並非所有個人攜帶的基因與這種疾病會發現這種疾病的發展。因此,遺傳和環境因素等也被牽連的發展。

腹腔疾病的症狀差異很大從一個人到另一個無論是在程度和嚴重性,使診斷困難。嬰兒和兒童更經常地顯示異常症狀的腹瀉和腹部伸縮。他 們還可以顯示營養不良的症狀,如身材矮小,貧血(體力虛弱或低),在牙齒缺損,生長遲滯,或發展遲緩。在成人,胃腸不適是常見的,包括腹痛,腹脹,腹瀉。 減肥是最常見的,但症狀體重增加和便秘不是聞所未聞的事情。只有一些人患上典型腹腔胃腸道症狀,而另一些可能會顯示沒有明顯的症狀。進一步的症狀不同,可 包括口腔潰瘍,極度疲勞,骨頭疼痛等。嚴重的皮膚狀況(稱為皰疹性皮炎),進而在發癢的皮疹和水泡與碰撞的結果有時是這種疾病。這種狀況是與麵筋敏感性, 皮膚切片(採樣和測試)通常是進行確認診斷。


如果腹腔疾病早期診斷和治療具有無麩質飲食,可以治愈受損組織和發展的許多風險的長期並發症,這種疾病,包括骨質疏鬆症(一弱的骨 頭),淋巴瘤(腫瘤所產生的淋巴結),可以減少和不孕。


近年來,在改善整體水平對腹腔疾病的認識和相關的條件已經允許個人和保健專業人士,以便更好地懷疑和腹腔疾病的篩選。這是為這些群 體尤其如此高的風險。


  • 血液檢查
  • 小腸活檢
  • 回收後的症狀,同時無麩質飲食

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